Golden Keys Of Aeroth
The Golden Keys of Aeroth Workshops/Seminars
Cancelled for September
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Book your special Seat- Book early seats are limited and they will sell out quickly.
Any issue with paypal button you can also call me (941) 961-2731 and I can take payments over the phone thru Square. Need a Hotel: Golden Keys of Aeroth- Must Mention Discount for Hotel at Four Points By sheraton kalamazoo, 3600 East cork Street Ct. Phone to reserve (269) 385-3922 (Note:Reservations by attendees must be received on or before August 14th, 2024 (Discount for King Bed or Two Queen Beds $124 per night plus 11% Tax - you can reserve a one day or two days for 9/13/24 or 9/14/24. |
Sherry Channels Aeroth in Deep Trance (Golden Keys Workshop/Seminars) Freedom & Joy!
You will receive new spiritual insights and clarity to awaken and expand your own spiritual awareness including new tools and how to harness the new levels. They bring forth a wealth of Spiritual Understanding and information about the new paradigm and how we are evolving the changes that are taking place with the universe and mother Gaia. Aeroth has a unique personality; fun, entertaining and is not shy, and will interact with you personally. Meditation & upgrades during the seminars. Each seminar is unique and includes various topics of awakening, and a question-and-answer session. We bring forth a wealth of Leading edge of new information of consciousness expanding and ever changing planetary evolution. You will also receive and experience one of Aeroth's Complete Program Clearing for your self. Check when we will be in your area, or come join us no matter where we are and evolve and lots of fun and interaction. A little history of when and how long Sherry has been doing Deep Trance: Since July of 2005, Sherry has been channeling Namara (a non-physical being of pure love and light, who holds the tone of creation) in deep trance. Namara brings a wealth of enlightened information in their teaching. In 2019 Namara introduced Sherry to Aeroth who She is now currently channeling in Deep Trance. As we evolve and shift in consciousness sometimes our guides change too. Aeroth is fun and interactive. Aeroth holds the tone of Evolution, evolving our consciousnesses, they are helping us to understand the changes that are taking place with in the Universe and Mother Giaia including how it effects us as we evolve. Aeroth is bringing in a wealth of New Leading Edge information, changes that are taking place now & leading into the future. The experience is amazing being in there expanded presence of Light, Divine Love and Peace. Freedom Program was Channeled through Aeroth in 2020 Program clearing, that is embedded and encoded with in you, these programs do repeat throughout lifetimes including current life, if they are not completely removed There are four level's of clearing you will experience. (also,clears repeated patterns). 1) Vow & Oath removal, healing all the past lives tied to it. 2) DNA Repair. 3) Cutting and clearing the embedded threads to these dogma and rituals, agreements, vows, oaths from that program, 4) Receive a beautiful energetic crystal healing. (unlocking Locks including chains that bond you) Experience Freedom and more Joy in your life. clears all Karmic ties so it doesn't repeat. Feeling Stuck, things keep repeating, relationships, Obligations, Sacrifice,Sadness,business, money, wealth, and so more. (Free Yourself) |
Workshop/Seminars Dates/2024 updates Coming near you.
Cancelled For September
Richland, Michigan
Hosted & Sponsored by:
Choices Unlimited-Owner Cheryl Snyder
8887 Gull Rd, Richland, Michigan
(269) 629-5507 or call Sherry Lord at (941) 961-2731
Event held at: Richland Community Center
9400 E. CD Ave, Richland, Michigan 49083
Golden Keys of Aeroth Workshop/Seminar
Topic: Elevated Consciousness- Freedom & Joy
Saturday September 14th, 2024
11pm - 4pm
Seminar Price $75 prebook online OR at the door $100
AT the Richland Community Center
9400 E. CD Ave, Richland, Michigan 49083
Hosted & Sponsored by:
Choices Unlimited-Owner Cheryl Snyder
8887 Gull Rd, Richland, Michigan
(269) 629-5507 or call Sherry Lord at (941) 961-2731
Event held at: Richland Community Center
9400 E. CD Ave, Richland, Michigan 49083
Golden Keys of Aeroth Workshop/Seminar
Topic: Elevated Consciousness- Freedom & Joy
- Sherry will be Channeling Aeroth bringing forth a wealth of information & changes including new tools to harness the new unlimited access of Elevated Consciouness and frequencies coming forth. The new paradigm
- Meditations are Deep & Profound.
- Everyone will receive a special Soul Code download.
- You will also receive & Experience a Deep healing called Freedom Program
Saturday September 14th, 2024
11pm - 4pm
Seminar Price $75 prebook online OR at the door $100
AT the Richland Community Center
9400 E. CD Ave, Richland, Michigan 49083
Purchase Tickets-Click Below
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If there is an issue with the button you can call me and I take payments over the phone through Square call (941) 961-2731
September 15th,2024 (One Day Only- These will Fill up.) Book your Special Reading.
Choices Unlimited For Your Spiritual Needs LLC
8887 Gull Road
Richland, Michigan
Contact Store: (269)629-5507
Choices Unlimited For Your Spiritual Needs LLC
8887 Gull Road
Richland, Michigan
Contact Store: (269)629-5507